I'm using Xcode's Instruments to find out if there's any leaks in my App. But I find the graph a little confusing. The app gets a cross when doing a certain job, but after that it gets minus signs only.
The reference count seems to get zero finally. I'm not very sure about the reading.
The official documentation is a bit outdated.
There's no explanation in the more recent Leaks instrument documentation about the snapshot icons.
By profiling code that leaks, here is a meaning for the leak indicators:
Green check (tick): No leak occurred in the snapshot interval (and no prior leaks exist).
Red x (cross): One or more leaks occurred in the snapshot interval.
Grey dash (minus): No new leak occurred in the current snapshot interval, but a leak from a prior snapshot still remains.
If leaked object from the earlier snapshot was deallocated, you would have seen a green check instead of a grey dash.
You can submit a documentation bug report to Apple requesting that an explanation be added to the documentation.