I have this question in prolog. Q: Create a rule cubeLess(X,B,R) which calculates the power of 3 and the remainder such that b =x3+r. For an example cubeLess(2,10,R) should result in R=2. So far i have written the base case cubeLess(0,0,0) AND cubeLess(X,B,R) :- X>0, X1 is XXX, How do i go from here?
We assume all numbers of relevance here are integers. With SWI-Prolog, we can use clpfd:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
Next, we define predicate cubeLess/3
like this:
cubeLess(X, B, R) :- B #= X^3 + R.
Sample query:
?- cubeLess(2, 10, R).
R = 2.
How about the most general query?
?- cubeLess(X, B, R). X^3 #= _A, _A+R #= B.
Not much propagation here... but that's OK!
If you are interested in ground solutions, constrain the finite domains and then use labeling/2