I have a group of emails (I hesitate to use the word list, as it may prejudice you answers), which I want to display in a tabular manner with columns of Subject, Content, Date, Action (whose value may contain a Delete button, for example).
Semantically speaking, would you use a list (<dl>
, probably) or a <table>
for this data? My gut feeling is that a list is most appropriate: I would describe the page as a list of emails after all - not a table of emails; furthermore, I would not put this data in a spreadsheet or perform any analysis on it. However, the fact that I want column headings makes me wonder if a <table>
is more approprate.
I doubt that the design would ever be non-tabular; however, it is possible that certain columns may be restyled.
I’d go for the table
. If it had just one column, I’d use the list, but—to me, at least—this is clearly tabular data, since all “rows” share the same “columns”.
(Thinking of it: if your example did not qualify for the use of a table
, what else would?)