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angular leaflet js using the leaflet plugins and more

I am using leaflet and angularJS and therefore the angular-directive for leaflet. I now want to use custom markers. For example these boat markers: . Or for example for the 'leaflet sliders' ( I need to use addControl or L.geoJson().

My problem now is, as i use the angular directive, I do not have this 'L' notation and do not have a real 'map' object in my controller. I seriously don't know how to use any leaflet plugin as the directive seems so limiting. Anyone knows a good way to use leaflet stuff life 'addTo(map)' in the angular directive?


  • After you've loaded the Leaflet javascript asset, you always have access to the L object, since it's attached to the global scope. Just try console.log(L); in your controller and you'll see. If you want access to the L.Map instance created by the directive you can inject leafletData into your controller. It contains a getMap method that returns a promise, that when resolved returns the map instance:

    angular.module('myApp').controller('myController', [
        function (leafletData) {
            leafletData.getMap().then(function(map) {
                new L.Marker([0,0]).addTo(map);