I'm a new learner about the AUTOSAR and already understand about summary of AUTOSAR Architecture. I have read AUTOSAR_TR_Methodology.pdf as my starting point to developing AUTOSAR's sofware components (SWC). For another information, I should get the "system extract" from the main organization and I will add my SWC into it. In that document, the task that I have to do to develop SWC described one by one as a whole process, but not in sequence. So my question is, after I got the system extract what the task that required to do to make SWCs? It will be great if the tools is mentioned.
The system extract usually contains software-components, albeit usually in form of so called compositions (in AUTOSAR lingo: CompositionSwComponentType). These compositions come with defined PortPrototypes which in turn are typed by PortInterfaces.
The task of the designer of an application software-component (technically speaking: an ApplicationSwComponentType) is to connect to the PortPrototypes define on the composition level and then specify the internal behavior (SwcInternalBehavior) that formally defines the internal structure of a software-component. On this basis the function of the software-component can be implemented.
A software-component itself consists of the formal specification (serialized in the ARXML format) and the corresponding C code that implements the actual function of the software-component.
There are tons of tools out there to develop AUTOSAR software-components. Most of these are commercial, and require a license. On top of that, the toolchain to be applied for a given project is in many cases predefined and you may not be able to select your tools freely.
If you seriously want to dive into AUTOSAR I'd strongly advise taking a class offered by the various tool vendors, preferably a class held by the tool vendor selected for a given actual ECU project.