I am attempting to customize a create.jspx in Roo 1.1.0.M1. I am removing some fields from the UI that I want to automatically set in the controller (eg. dateCreated, createdBy).
This works ok, UNTIL I edit the entity java file in any way. Roo then proceeds to rewrite my create.jspx back to the way it used to be
There is no automaticallyMaintainView=false option in 1.1.0.M1, so my question is: How do I get Roo to leave my .jspxs alone? I am at the stage where I want full control and don't want Roo changing them any more.
Set "z" attribute to "user-managed" and "render" attribute to "false" so Spring Roo leaves it alone.
or in controller change RooWebScaffold(automaticallyMaintainView=false)