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Paypal module for Appcelerator 5.1.2 GA ( iOS, Android )

Well, i am looking for some Paypal module (iOS, Android) using the last Titanium Appcelerator SDK 5.1.2 GA and the only modules i found are too old, even TiPaypal has a list of issues that make the module unusuable (and the last hope dies here).

So, my question is, is there a paypal module working with the last sdk ?

thanks in advance..

(sorry for my bad english)


  • Did you try using the ti.paypal version 1.9.0 for iOS and 2.2.3 for Android? You can download from here If you found any specific problem with the modules you should check if this is a known issue at If it's not, create a ticket, link to this question but also provide reproducible code, steps and environment information in the ticket itself. Don't forget to drop a link to the ticket here so that others can watch it with you.