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Factory pattern in Python

I'm currently implementing the Factory design pattern in Python and I have a few questions.

  1. Is there any way to prevent the direct instantiation of the actual concrete classes? For example, if I have a VehicleFactory that spawns Vehicles, I want users to just use that factory, and prevent anyone from accidentally instantiating Car() or Truck() directly. I can throw an exception in init() perhaps, but that would also mean that the factory can't create an instance of it...

  2. It seems to me now that factories are getting addictive. Seems like everything should become a factory so that when I change internal implementation, the client codes will not change. I'm interested to know when is there an actual need to use factories, and when is it not appropriate to use. For example, I might have a Window class and there's only one of this type now (no PlasticWindow, ReinforcedWindow or anything like that). In that case, should I use a factory for the client to generate the Window, just in case I might add more types of Windows in the future?

  3. I'm just wondering if there is a usual way of calling the factories. For example, now I'm calling my Vehicle factory as Vehicles, so the codes will go something like Vehicles.create(...). I see a lot of tutorials doing it like VehicleFactory, but I find it too long and it sort of exposes the implementation as well.

EDIT: What I meant by "exposes the implementation" is that it lets people know that it's a factory. What I felt was that the client need not know that it's a factory, but rather as some class that can return objects for you (which is a factory of course but maybe there's no need to explicitly tell clients that?). I know that the soure codes are easily exposed, so I didn't mean "exposing the way the functionalities are implemented in the source codes".



    1. Don't expose the class (for example make it private __MyClass, or obvious that you don't want it used directly _MyClass). This way it can only be instantiated via the factory function.
    2. Perhaps you should review the use of keyword arguments, and inheritance. It sounds like you may be overlooking these, which will generally reduce your dependence on complex factories (To be honest, I've rarely needed factories).
    3. In Python you cannot easily protect against exposing implementation, it goes against the Zen of Python. (It's the same in any language, a determined individual can get what they want eventually). At most you should try to ensure that a user of your code does not accidentally do the wrong thing, but never presume to know what the end-user may decide to achieve with your code. Don't make it obfuscated and difficult to work with.