I am using libPd to generate sound. LibPd can process a predefined number of Ticks and then fill a float[]
with the generated output. I then use a BufferedWaveProvider
to store the float[]
after converting to a byte[]
Generation of audio can be really fast, so it is possible to compute 1 second of sound in quite short time, but it can also be slow, depending on the Pd patch. Is there a way to trigger processing data, when the BufferedWaveProvider
has less than a predefined amount of data left?
Currently I am generating audio in a background thread an just sleep for a while and hope that this is enough, and hope for BufferedWaveProvider
not overflowing, and even when, then discard that data.
public void ProcessData(float[] output, int ticks)
while (LibPD.Process(ticks, new float[0], output) == 0)
if (BufferReady != null)
BufferReady(this, new BufferReadyEventArgs(output));
Thread.Sleep(999*BlockSize * ticks / 44100);
public void StartProcessing(float[] output)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SetPdOutput), output);
private void SetPdOutput(object state)
float[] output = state as float[];
if (state == null)
ProcessData(output, Ticks);
While my code to glue together libPd and NAudio is this:
Buffer = new float[2 * _player.Ticks * _player.BlockSize]; // stereo, number of Ticks
_soundOutput = new WasapiOut(AudioClientShareMode.Shared, 100);
_audioBuffer = new BufferedWaveProvider(WaveFormat.CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(44100, 2))
BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
DiscardOnBufferOverflow = true
_player.BufferReady += ((sender, eventArgs) =>
_audioBuffer.AddSamples(PcmFromFloat(output), 0, output.Length * 4);
After reading the source of NAudio, I have come up with a different solution: Writing a custom IWaveProvider
, that uses a CircularBuffer
analogous to BufferedWaveProvider
, but requests new processed audio from lidPd whenever a threshold is underrun.
This is the gist of the operation:
class PdProvider : IWaveProvider
readonly CircularBuffer _circularBuffer;
public PdProvider()
_buffer = new float[BufferSize];
_player.BufferReady += PdBufferReady;
_circularBuffer = new CircularBuffer(SampleRate * 5); // 5 seconds should be enough for anybody
_minBuffer = SampleRate / 2; // 0.5 second
void RefillBuffer()
if (_circularBuffer.Count < _minBuffer)
// Get data from libPd and add to _circularBuffer
public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
var read = _circularBuffer.Read(buffer, offset, count);
return read;
public WaveFormat WaveFormat
return WaveFormat.CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(_player.SampleRate, 2);