I have some files containing the following data:
160-68 160 68 B-A 0011 3.80247
160-68 160 68 B-A 0022 3.73454
160-69 160 69 B-A 0088 2.76641
160-69 160 69 B-A 0022 3.54446
160-69 160 69 B-A 0088 4.24609
160-69 160 69 B-A 0011 3.97644
160-69 160 69 B-A 0021 1.82292
I need to extract lines having any of values (that can be negative: ex -12222) in an array in the 5th column.
Output with [0088, 0021]:
160-69 160 69 B-A 0088 2.76641
160-69 160 69 B-A 0088 4.24609
160-69 160 69 B-A 0021 1.82292
I'm currently doing this with Ruby, but is there a way to do it faster with Bash?
bash is unlikely to be faster than ruby: bash is generally pretty slow. I'd pick awk or perl
awk -v values="0088 0021" '
n = split(values, a)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) b[a[i]]=1
$5 in b
' file
perl -ane 'BEGIN {%v = ("0088"=>1, "0021"=>1)} print if $v{$F[4]}' file