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OpenTBS - hide image when does not exist

I have a list of images filled with url, or empty in some case. I just want to display the images when the url exists, and not display the image when the url is not specified. There is a very similar post here, but not fully answered, so I am posting this again.

Here is my php array:

$myBlock = array(
  'description' => ...,
  'name' => ...,
  'photos' => 
    array (
      0 => string 'C:\path_to\pic_5491y.png'
      1 => string 'C:\path_to\pic_5491y.png'
      2 => string 'C:\path_to\pic_5491y.png'
      3 => int 0
      9 => int 0
      10 => int 0

I then try to display the image inside a block (at the moment, I only try with the first photo)

[myBlock; block=begin]
     (the image I am trying to replace, or hide)
[myBlock; block=end]

And here are what I have tried to put in the [CODE], with what happens:

  • [;ope=addpic;att=draw:image#xlink:href;when []!=0]

    ==>> Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$PrevPosBeg

  • [;ope=changepic;from=[val];tagpos=inside;adjust;unique;]

  • [;ope=changepic;from=[val];tagpos=inside;adjust;unique; onshow; when[] != 0] (same as before but with the when, which in the end does not change anything)

    ==>> The picture "0" that is supposed to be added because of parameter "ope=changepic" of the field [] is not found. (that is caused when the image has 0 as its url)

  • [onShow; if[] != 0; then[] :drawing; else ‘1’]

    ==>> [onShow; if0 != 0; then0 :drawing; else '1'] (just display that on the document)

  • [onshow; if[] = 0 ; then ‘’ ; else from=[]; ope=changepic; tagpos=inside;adjust;unique]

    ==>> no errors, but don't replace any images, even when set

Thanks a lot in advance, and let me know if you need more details !


Skrol's suggestions works perpectly when I use

$TBS->MergeBlock('myBlock', $myBlock['photos']);

But I am actually trying to merge directly $myBlock, and therefore in my word document, trying to do a "double foreach"

I am failing creating a double block in my template (the reason is that I am trying to display some info before the photos.)

I am trying to do :

[myBlock; block=begin]
   [myBlock.description]   // => Display description before displaying the photos

   [; block=begin]
   [; block=end]
[myBlock; block=end]

But as soon as I add the second so I could loop through them, I have this error: in block's definition [myBlock...]: a least one tag with parameter 'block=end' is missing.


After trying several things, with same code, I managed to get rid of the error, probably because of a bad hidden caracter somewhere. But it is now trying to display the second block, instead of creating a new foreach:

 This is description 1

 This is description 2


If that helps getting a better picture of what I am trying to achieve, here the equivalent I would use in PHP:

foreach( $myBlock as $myBlockKey => $myBlockData)
    echo $myBlockData['description'];
    echo $myBlockData['name'];

    foreach( $myBlockData['photos'] as $photoKey => $photoData)
       echo $photoData['url'];

Any idea about how to get this double block defined ??? I could not find any exemple in the doc, or anywhere else :(


  • In order to merge the images stored in $myBlock['photos'], your code should be like this :

    PHP :

    $TBS->MergeBlock('myBlock', $myBlock['photos']);

    DOCX :

    [myBlock; block=begin; when 0!=[myBlock.val]]
       (the image I am trying to replace, or hide)
    [myBlock; block=end]

    Explanations :

    • Command MergeBlock() does merge data structured as a record-set. That is a set of records having the same structure. In your snipped, only $myBlock['photos'] is a record-set. Since each record is directly a value, you can use the virtual columns val and key to reach the data.
    • Parameter when 0!=[myBlock.val] makes the block section to be conditional. So only records with a value different from 0 will be displayed.
    • Parameter tagpos=after should be used because the TBS tag is placed after the image.