I wish to create a drop down menu in Spotfire using 5 values.
Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5
where Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4 and Col5 are column headers in my data sheet.
I am creating a Pie Diagram visualization.
Now, based on my selection Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4 and Col5, I wish to select another column in the Color by: property for the pie.
For example: If I select Col1 then I should get "Col1 Complete" value in Color by: property for the pie. If I select Col2 then I should get "Col2 Complete" value in Color by: property which is another column in the data set.
I was able to create a drop down list using Property Control with the Col1-Col5 values in the list. However, I am unable to handle second part where based on my selection of Col, I need the Color by: property value to change to "Col Complete"
Please advice. Thanks
you can do this with a Document Property:
.[${PieColorBy} Complete]
. notice that Complete
is not in quotes.