The main problem here is .. that I have installed the package control and also the gosublime plugin but it is not working. Also it is not working in the command prompt when I type go. It gives info proving that the go is installed correctly in path I am actually trying to use a separator to set paths for go and java simultaneously which I might be doing wrong.
Now in sublime text 3 i am receiving an error as
MarGo: Missing required environment variables: GOPATH | > See the
section of for info
I went through this but it didnt help me
Sublime Text: "MarGo: Missing required environment variables: GOPATH"
You have to set the GOPATH
environment variable to something like d:\myprojects\go
. That's where your code and libraries will be stored.
Your code should be located in a folder like d:\myprojects\go\src\\pandey\coolproject
Relevant section from the docs:
Test your installation
Check that Go is installed correctly by setting up a workspace and building a simple program, as follows.
Create a directory to contain your workspace, $HOME/work for example, and set the GOPATH environment variable to point to that location.
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/work You should put the above command in your shell startup script ($HOME/.profile for example) or, if you use Windows, follow the instructions above to set the GOPATH environment variable on your system.
Next, make the directories src/ inside your workspace (if you use GitHub, substitute your user name for user), and inside the hello directory create a file named hello.go with the following contents:
See the Go docs for more details, especially on how to do it on windows: