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DnnApiController Unable to locate a controller for "Path x". Searched in namespaces: " Namespace y"

I am trying to create a simple web-api in DNN,

Here are my codes : 1st Register RouteMapper (I set a break-point it is being called without problem)

namespace Commission7.Controllers
   public class RouteMapper : IServiceRouteMapper
       public void RegisterRoutes(IMapRoute mapRouteManager)
          mapRouteManager.MapHttpRoute("Commission7", "default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }, new[] { "Commission7.Controllers" });

2nd The Controller :

namespace Commission7.Controllers
   class SubmitController : DnnApiController
       private readonly Commision7Context _dbContext = new Commision7Context();

       public bool SaveVisits()
          return true;

And when I call it through Ajax or Direct hit from Browser with this:


I get :

Unable to locate a controller for http://localhost/dnn/DesktopModules/Commission7/api/Submit/SaveVisits.  Searched in namespaces: Commission7.Controllers.

note that the Module folder is named Commission 7 and it is in the DesktopModules folder. Can anyone help me with this? Is there any config that I forgot?


  • I found the problem , class SubmitController was private class , it should be public to be available for ajax and direct call.