I have a Synth generated with a do:
SynthDef(\siny, { arg freq, outBus=0; Out.ar( outBus, SinOsc.ar(freq!2,0,0.2) ) } ).send(s);
SynthDef(\filter, { arg cFreq,q=0.8, inBus; Out.ar( 0, BPF.ar(In.ar(inBus), cFreq!2, 1/q ) ) } ).send(s);
~sourceOut = Bus.audio(s);
~sine_Group = ParGroup.new;
z = [100,500,1000,1500,250];
z.do({ arg val; Synth.head(~sine_Group, \siny, [\freq: val, \outBus: ~sourceOut]) });
z.do({ arg val; Synth.after(~sine_Group, \filter, [\inBus: ~sourceOut, \cFreq: 200] ) });
Right now, my understanding is that, output of multiple instances of Synth \siny get mixed in the bus ~sourceOut, and goes as an input into synth \filter
What i actually want to do is to have a one-to-one connection between the multiple instances of \siny and \filter.. Could I use an array of busses to connect them? If so, how do I do that?
Yes you can. Here I've modified your code minimally. First I made ~sourceOut
an array of Busses rather than a single Bus. Second, inside the do
loops I made use of the fact that the main iteration functions in SuperCollider can provide a second index
argument as well as each item itself. Thirdly I use that index
argument to select the desired Bus:
z = [100,500,1000,1500,250];
~sourceOut = z.collect{ Bus.audio(s) };
~sine_Group = ParGroup.new;
z.do({ arg val, index; Synth.head(~sine_Group, \siny, [\freq: val, \outBus: ~sourceOut[index]]) });
z.do({ arg val, index; Synth.after(~sine_Group, \filter, [\inBus: ~sourceOut[index], \cFreq: 200] ) });
Depending on your needs, you might also like to look at NodeProxy
which is useful for prototyping and live coding, and provides some tricks for plugging synths' output into each other.