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Clients for a REPL server do not display the server's input and output properly

I wrote a small REPL server and client for debugging the application I'm writing. When I input enough text to make it wrap to the next line in the terminal and press backspace though, it will display all the lines, not just the one that updated. I also can't move back to previous lines once I no longer have any characters to delete. There has to be a way to do this if node is reasonably sane, but I'm at a complete loss as to what to change. How can I make this work?

Edit: tab complete does not display until after hitting enter. Lines from history doesn't display in process.stdin at all, but will still be evaluated after sending them


'use strict';

const net = require('net');

const socket = net.connect(8001, '');

process.stdin.on('finish', () => {


import * as babel from 'babel-core';
import net from 'net';
import repl from 'repl';
import vm from 'vm';

function extendContext(context) {
    // add vars I need to context
    return context;

function babelEval(input, filename) {
    let sanitizedInput = (input.startsWith('(') && input.endsWith(')'))
        ? input.slice(1, -1)
        : input;
    let code = babel.transform(sanitizedInput).code;
    return vm.runInThisContext(code, {filename});

export default function createREPLServer(port, hostname) {
    return net.createServer((socket) => {
        const _repl = repl.start({
            prompt: 'test> ',
            input: socket,
            output: socket,
            terminal: true,
            useColors: true,
            useGlobal: true,
            replMode: repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT,
            eval(input, context, filename, cb) {
                let err;
                let code;
                try {
                    code = babelEval(input.trim(), filename);
                } catch (e) {
                    err = e;

                cb(err, code);
        _repl.on('reset', (context) => extendContext(context));
        _repl.on('exit', () => socket.end());

    }).listen(8001, '');


  • I managed to fix this in part with help of 小太郎 and by adding a readable event handler to repl-server.js:

    socket.on('readable', (chunk) => {;