My environment: ObjectiveC using Xcode 6.4 in OS X El Captain (10.11.1). In Xcode, target is set to iOS 8.
TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR always resolves to true in the code below even when I select iPad2 as iOS simulator.
// block of code
Shouldn't TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR be set to false when selecting iPad2 as an iOS simulator?
That macro is true for any simulator build. The macro existed long before the iPad came along. Back when "iOS" was "iPhone OS".
So think of it as "TARGET_IOS_SIMULATOR".
It's used when you have something in your code that should only be compiled when building for a simulated iOS device.
If you need something to run differently between the iPhone simulator and the iPad simulator, you may want something like this:
// This code is only for a simulator
if ([UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
// iPhone/iPod touch simulator
} else {
// iPad simulator