I have two sub-sites in my sharepoint site,SampleSite1 and SampleSite2 under Parentsite called MainSite.
http://xyz.sharepoint.com/sites/MainSite/ - SiteUrl
http://xyz.sharepoint.com/sites/MainSite/SampleSite1 - Subsite1's Url
http://xyz.sharepoint.com/sites/MainSite/SampleSite2 - Subsite2's Url
Each of the Sites have two groups superUser and NormalUser respectively.
The credential uses SiteUrl of MainSite.
SecureString password = new SecureString();
string pwd = "Pass123";
string UserName = "abc@xyz.com";
password = convertToSecureString(pwd);
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("http://xyz.sharepoint.com/sites/MainSite/");
clientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(UserName, password);
Incase of adding user to subsite's groups like NormalUser,Can we use the same sharepoint context with above siteUrl to access and perform operations(add/remove user) in groups present under subsites?
If Yes,how can we do it?I already have built code to add or remove user from a sharepoint site group based on some requirement.
public void AddUserToDMSite(string useremail, string securityGroupName)
GroupCollection collGroup = SPContext.Web.SiteGroups;
Group oGroup1 = collGroup.GetByName("UserList");
Group oGroup2 = collGroup.GetByName(securityGroupName);
UserCollection oUserCollection1 = oGroup1.Users;
UserCollection oUserCollection2 = oGroup2.Users;
var uname = oGroup1.Users.GetByEmail(useremail);
var userCheck = oUserCollection2.Where(u => u.Email == useremail).FirstOrDefault();
if (userCheck == null)
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.User oUser2 = oGroup2.Users.AddUser(uname);
For subsites you can proceed as follows:
Web oWebsite = clientContext.Web;
clientContext.Load(oWebsite, website => website.Webs);
foreach (Web orWebsite in oWebsite.Webs)
AddUserToDMSite(useremail, securityGroupName, orWebSite)
and change AddUserToDMSite to work with either sites and subsites as:
public void AddUserToDMSite(string useremail, string securityGroupName, Web aWeb)
GroupCollection collGroup = aWeb.SiteGroups;
Group oGroup1 = collGroup.GetByName("UserList");
Group oGroup2 = collGroup.GetByName(securityGroupName);
UserCollection oUserCollection1 = oGroup1.Users;
UserCollection oUserCollection2 = oGroup2.Users;
var uname = oGroup1.Users.GetByEmail(useremail);
var userCheck = oUserCollection2.Where(u => u.Email == useremail).FirstOrDefault();
if (userCheck == null)
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.User oUser2 = oGroup2.Users.AddUser(uname);