I am new to Scala, and I am implementing a TreeMap with a multidimensional key like this:
class dimSet (val d:Vector[Int]) extends IndexedSeq[Int] {
def apply(idx:Int) = d(idx)
def length: Int = d.length
var vals : TreeMap[dimSet, A] = TreeMap[dimSet, A]()(orddimSet)
I have this method
def appOp0(t:TreeMap[dimSet,A], t1:TreeMap[dimSet,A], op:(A,A) => A, unop : (A) => A):TreeMap[dimSet,A] = {
if (t.isEmpty) t1.map((e:Tuple2[dimSet, A]) => (e._1, unop(e._2)))
else if (t1.isEmpty) t.map((t:Tuple2[dimSet, A]) => (t._1, unop(t._2)))
else {
val h = t.head
val h1 = t1.head
if ((h._1) == (h1._1)) appOp0(t.tail, t1.tail, op, unop) + ((h._1, op(h._2, h1._2)))
else if (orddimSet.compare(h._1,h1._1) == 1) appOp0(t, t1.tail, op, unop) + ((h1._1, unop(h1._2)))
else appOp0(t.tail, t1, op, unop) + ((h._1, unop(h._2)))
But the map method on the TreeMaps (second and third lines) returns a Map, not a TreeMap
I tried on repl with a simplier example and I got this:
scala> val t = TreeMap[dimSet, Double]( (new dimSet(Vector(1,1)), 5.1), (new dimSet(Vector(1,2)), 6.3), (new dimSet(Vector(3,1)), 7.1), (new dimSet(Vector(2,2)), 8.4)) (orddimSet)
scala> val tsq = t.map[(dimSet,Double), TreeMap[dimSet,Double]]((v:Tuple2[dimSet, Double]) => ((v._1, v._2 * v._2)))
<console>:41: error: Cannot construct a collection of type scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap[dimSet,Double] with elements of type (dimSet, Double) based on a collection of type scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap[dimSet,Double].
val tsq = t.map[(dimSet,Double), TreeMap[dimSet,Double]]((v:Tuple2[dimSet, Double]) => ((v._1, v._2 * v._2)))
scala> val tsq = t.map((v:Tuple2[dimSet, Double]) => ((v._1, v._2 * v._2)))
tsq: scala.collection.immutable.Map[dimSet,Double] = Map((1, 1) -> 26.009999999999998, (1, 2) -> 39.69, (2, 2) -> 70.56, (3, 1) -> 50.41)
I think CanBuildFrom cannot build my TreeMap as it can do with other TreeMaps, but I couldn't find why, ¿What can I do to return a TreeMap?
The problem probably is that there is no implicit Ordering[dimSet]
available when you call map
. That call requires a CanBuildFrom
, which in turn requires an implicit Ordering
for TreeMap
keys: see in docs.
So make orddimSet
implicitly available before calling map
implicit val ev = orddimSet
if (t.isEmpty) t1.map((e:Tuple2[dimSet, A]) => (e._1, unop(e._2)))
Or you can make an Ordering[dimSet]
always automatically implicitly available, if you define an implicit Ordering
in dimSet
's companion object:
object dimSet {
implicit val orddimSet: Ordering[dimSet] = ??? // you code here