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How to make a simple countdown timer in meteor, with timer on server and clock on client

I was wondering how to make a simple countdown timer that would countdown on the server, but show how long was left on the client.


  • Server:

    timeToClear.remove({}); //Removes the previous time calls
    Meteor.setInterval(function(){ //The Actual Countdown
        name: "[Server]",
        message: "<div class='animated infinite flash'>Attention! Chat will be cleared in 15 seconds!<br>Note: Chat is cleared every 12 hours</div>",
        time: moment().format('MMMM Do , h:mm a'),
        uid: Messages.find().fetch().length + 1,
        email: "Server Function"
      Meteor.setTimeout(function () {
      }, 15000);
    }, 28800000); 
    time = 28000000; //Sets the ammount of time to countdown
    uid = 0;
    Meteor.setInterval(function(){ //The part that allows the client to see it
        time: time,
        uid: uid
      time = time - 1000;
      uid = uid + 1;
      if(time === 0){
        time = 28000000; //Resets time after countdown is complete
        uid = 0;
        timeToClear.remove({}); //Removes all previous time calls
    }, 1000)


        timer: function (){
          x = timeToClear.find({}, { sort: { uid: -1}}).fetch()[0].time; //Gets the highest (newest) uid, and gets the time from it
          var tempTime = moment.duration(x); //Converts it into a nicer format using moment
          var hours = tempTime.hours(); 
          var minutes = tempTime.minutes();
          var seconds = tempTime.seconds();
          return "Time till messages are cleared: " +hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; //Returns it to helper

    Then simply call the helper on the client in a template called countdown!