I'm having problems getting Ember CLI (1.13.15) to detect changes. When I create a new application with
ember init
And run the development server with
ember serve
The project compiles and I see the page. When I change something, the server detects changes in the console, but nothing happens even if I refresh page. The changes become visible only after I rerun the ember serve
Also on an empty app it takes 30 sec to build app on Samsung 850 Pro SSD & i7 2600k with admin rights and after ember-cli-windows run. (the build on half slower MacBook Air is almost instantaneous).
For now, the best solution seems to be sticking to the old versions. Also there seems to be an issue with latest sass plugin not recognizing changes so I recommend downgrading both to:
ember-cli: 1.13.8,
ember-cli-sass: 4.2.1