I'm working on connecting my Parse app to my Node.js Parse Server with the Swift language. In the documentation of Parse, I can see this code :
[Parse initializeWithConfiguration:[ParseClientConfiguration configurationWithBlock:^(id<ParseMutableClientConfiguration> configuration) {
configuration.applicationId = @"YOUR_APP_ID";
configuration.clientKey = @"YOUR_APP_CLIENT_KEY";
configuration.server = @"http://localhost:1337/parse";
And since I use the Swift language, here is my configuration until now :
// Initialize Parse.
Parse.setApplicationId("APP_ID", clientKey: "CLIENT_KEY")
But how can I specify the server as in the Objective-C code ?
Found the answer by myself, here is how to set a configuration (including the server URL) with Swift :
let parseConfiguration = ParseClientConfiguration(block: { (ParseMutableClientConfiguration) -> Void in
ParseMutableClientConfiguration.applicationId = "APP_ID"
ParseMutableClientConfiguration.clientKey = "CLIENT_KEY"
ParseMutableClientConfiguration.server = "http://your_server.com:1337/parse"
Hope it will help someone else.