I have used the jarbundler ant task to create an OSX (10.6.4) XXX.app for my java app. The problem is that it starts fine in any other directory except the /Applications directory. A look at file permissions shows nothing amiss. I can get it to work by two methods - both not suitable for real deployments:
The error in OS X console is:
posix_spawn("/Applications/JyroJMS.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub", ...): Permission denied
I have tried various options in Jar bundler task like StartOnMainThread=true.
Any suggestions ?
I have found the problem(s): 1. I am using izpack to deploy the app bundle in a mistaken effort to standardized install process across platforms. This was causing issues with JavaApplicationStub execute permissions. 2. Also jarbundler.jar ant task is apparently using an old JavaApplicationStub. When I replaced it with java 6 version all went well.
So lessons learnt: - I will not try to create a 'universal' installer - this does not work - Will use compressed disk images to deploy my app bundle