I want to get some data out of my MySQL database using Koa and the mysql
node package. I was looking at co-mysql, but the readme suggests to use thunkify
directly. So I did the following:
const query = thunkify(connection.query.bind(connection));
Which seems to work, as I now can do:
app.use(function * main() {
const races = yield query(
"SELECT * FROM `races` where '2016-01-19' between start_date and end_date"
)(function(err, rows) {
// rows is the data I need
However, I cannot find a way to return/yield the row data from the thunk into my races variable. I log it, and it displays the correct data, but when I try to pass it back, it always returns undefined. I've tried a couple of ways from inside the callback, but I can't seem to figure it out:
return rows
yield rows
(made the callback a generator function)
return yield rows
I'm often getting: TypeError: You may only yield a function, promise, generator, array, or object, but the following object was passed: "undefined"
is an array because you are using thunkify
for query
. co returns an array for any thunks that call their callback with more than one value (ie. callback(null, 1, 2, 3)
returns [1, 2, 3]
If you were to Promisify query
instead, races
will be assigned to the first returned value only, which appears to be inline with what you're looking for.
Here's a code example showing it in practice:
var co = require("co")
var promisify = require("bluebird").promisify
var thunkify = require("thunkify")
function async(callback) {
callback(null, 1, 2, 3)
var p = promisify(async)
var t = thunkify(async)
co(function*() {
let x = yield p()
let y = yield t()
}).then(() => {})
When run, the value of x
will be 1
and the value of y
will be the array [1, 2, 3]
You can run it with Tonic here: https://tonicdev.com/56ab7cfc879afb0c002c1d49/56ab7cfc879afb0c002c1d4a