I want to create a barcode with vbscript that will be decoded from my company's erp (my company devides the nubers with 10000.
The barcode should have this type of look:
is my barcode, Q
is quantity, and P
is the price. With concatenation I have:
Result = 99 & [sheet$.BARCODE] & right("00000000" & quantity*10000, 8) & right("00000" & VBScript1*10000,5)
Now VBScript1 has this style, because it is used elsewhere in the program:
VBScript1 = "PRICE: "& FormatCurrency([sheet$.TIMH SAKOYLAKI]/[sheet$.SAKOYLAKI TWN]*1.3*(Round((40*CDbl(zyg))/CDbl([sheet$.GR/40 TEM]))),2)
so the output of VBScript1
is like Price: $0,40
Now my question is how to extract from the string the number only and then multiply it by 10000, in order to use it above?
For my example I want Price: Price: $0,40
to be used as 04000
in barcode.
Use Split() on $ to get the numerical part of (e.g.) "Price: $0,40", deal with the decimal comma, pad on the left:
>> s = "Price: $0,40"
>> p = CDbl(Replace(Split(s, "$")(1), ",", "."))
>> t = Right(String(5, "0") & p * 10000, 5)
>> WScript.Echo t