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error: cannot find symbol method onConfigure(SQLiteDatabase)

I am trying to make my app backward compatible. I went through whole development process targeting SDK version 22:

minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 22

So now, after I am satisfied with my app, I want to make it work on older phones. I decided to try to make it work on API level 8 so I edited build.gradle:

minSdkVersion 8
targetSdkVersion 8

And after changing whole lot of stuff in code, I hit this dbhelper problem I cannot resolve:

Error:(72, 14) error: cannot find symbol method onConfigure(SQLiteDatabase)

So, after trying to find how to resolve this, I think I should somehow import com.twofortyfouram.memento.provider.sqlite.SqliteOpenHelperCompat but I don't know where to get it.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Are you sure that the method onConfigure exists and is defined on the API you are now targeting?

    From what I can see from the documentation the method was defined on API 16.

    Also, how can you set a minSdkVersion 14 and targetSdkVersion 8?

    You are basically saying that my application can only work from APIs of version 14 and above, but I am targeting version 8