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How can I enable html rendering for TYPO3 7 tables?

I am using TYPO3 7.6.2 and I can't use html inside the standard table element any more, because TYPO3 escape html tags inside the table element. Is there a specific RTE configuration which I have to enable or something else? My current RTE configuration looks like the following:

RTE.default {

    contentCSS = EXT:my_distribution/Resources/Public/Css/rte.css

    proc {
        allowedClasses := addToList(blue, button, caption, center, more, responsive, responsive2, subcaption, white)

    showButtons := addToList(pastetoggle)

    buttons {

       blockstyle.tags.p.allowedClasses := addToList(caption, subcaption, white)
       blockstyle.tags.table.allowedClasses := addToList(responsive, responsive2)
       textstyle.tags.span.allowedClasses := addToList(blue, center, more, subcaption, white) := addToList(button)

       pastetoggle.setActiveOnRteOpen = 1



I don't want that an editor have to use plain html tables inside a text content element or a html content element.


  • Html not longer supported for CE table.

    workaround 1: use html table in combination with rte

    workaround 2: revoke security changes from the following patch, if you trust your editors

    I recommend workaround 1, but I think some editors will not like this solution. So maybe it is better to develop a simple extension which can handle flexible tables.