iam using oriceon/oauth-5-laravel .help me to implement friendships/exists .I want to post a request to follow particular person.help me.tysm advance
Consider the situation that you want to follow NASA in twitter.NASA is the screen name of NASA.You should add screen name to the url as below.Add this method to your controller and do proper routing.
public function followWithTwitter(Request $request)
$token = $request->get('oauth_token');
$verify = $request->get('oauth_verifier');
$tw = \OAuth::consumer('Twitter');
if ( ! is_null($token) && ! is_null($verify))
// This was a callback request from twitter, get the token
$token = $tw->requestAccessToken($token, $verify);
// Send a request with it
$result = json_decode($tw->request('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/friendships/create.json?screen_name=NASA&follow=true','POST'), true);
if (!$result){
//do some tasks for calculating and database updation for following
return ("failed");
//do some tasks for calculating and database updation for following
return ("success");
// if not ask for permission first
// get request token
$reqToken = $tw->requestRequestToken();
// get Authorization Uri sending the request token
$url = $tw->getAuthorizationUri(['oauth_token' => $reqToken->getRequestToken()]);
// return to twitter login url
return redirect((string)$url);