I'm working on a huge project for a client, so to make the code cleaner, i'm doing some rework. I'm having this part of code :
var removeListener = $rootScope.$on('logoutEvent', function () {
changedAttribut = EditorialContentService.getChangedAttribut($scope.promotion, OLDPromo, hasUploadImage);
if (changedAttribut.length < 1) {
$rootScope.canClose = true;
} else {
$rootScope.canClose = false;
$scope.$on("$destroy", removeListener);
The thing, is that, I need to put the code inside a service or a factory or any other suggestions, to avoid duplication, because it is used in many controllers.
Either call
$rootScope.$on("$destroy", removeListener);
(instead of $scope), which will remove the listener when the whole app is destroyed (but that's not really needed, because events registered with $on are automatically removed when the scope they were registered on is destroyed), or expose a function from the factory that removes the listener, and call it when the appropriate scope destroys:
// inside the factory
return {
destroy: function () {
// inside the appropriate controller
$scope.$on('$destroy', thatFactory.destroy);