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Using web.xml to get JSTL sql dataSource?

Attempting to get a dataSource for JSTL SQL operations, and it won't connect.

In my web.xml:


What I'm attempting in my JSP file:

<sql:setDataSource dataSource = "jdbc/testDS"/>

I'm attempting to do this and failing in order to avoid hard-coding the database credentials into the page. The database is running, but I don't know enough about JSTL to tackle this on my own right now.

It is complaining about driver, but I have used the same design for servlets without specifying a driver to access the database.

Any insight into my issue? Knowing my luck it's probably something simple.


  • Using initParam you can get context parameters.

    Create context-params in web.xml for database connection properties:


    In JSP use

    <sql:setDataSource var="dataSource" 
       password="${initParam['password']}" />