I just got an arduino yun shield by dragino.
I plugged into my computer usb with an Arduino uno following the instructions of the wiki and powering it from 5v > vin.
After a while the wifi network popped up, so I entered it. Went to where I found the website / settings panel and added a password and connected to my own wifi network.
Now I have no idea how to get back to that website, what ip adress to use, or even how to reset those settings so it makes its own wifi network.
I can connect to the Arduino yun through the Arduino program, but I got this error after just trying to do a blinking light. It does not show me the IP for it.
I have also tried connecting it to the wall outlet but it didn't create a network.
Is there anyway to completely reset the board?
It seems as if the shield was set to connect to your WiFi which in turn was set to get an IP address from your WiFi Router. If you want to find out what IP Address was assigned to the shield by the WiFi Router then you can go about it in two ways:
According to the shield's user manual you can reset to factory settings:
5.7 How to reset the Yun Shield? Yun Shield has a toggle button which can be used for reset. When the system of Yun Shield is running, user can press the toggle button to reset the device. If pressing the toggle button and release after 5 seconds , it will reset the WiFi setting and other settings will be kept. If pressing the toggle button and release after 30 second s , it will reset ALL the setting to factory default.