Is it possible to see the DML (SQL Statement) that is being run that caused a trigger to be executed?
For example, inside an INSERT trigger I would like to get this:
"insert into myTable (name) values ('Fred')"
I read about ora_sql_txt(sql_text) in articles such as this but couldn't get it working - not sure if that is even leading me down the right path?
We are using Oracle 10.
Thank you in advance.
[EDITED] MORE DETAIL: We have the need to replicate an existing database (DB1) into a classified database (DB2) that is not accessible via the network. I need to keep these databases in sync. This is a one-way sync from (DB1) to (DB2), since (DB2) will contain additional tables and data that is not contained in the (DB1) system.
I have to determine a way to sync these databases without bringing them down (say, for a backup and restore) because it needs to stay live. So I thought that if I can store the actual DML being run (when data changes), I could "play-back" the DML on the new database to update it, just like someone was hand-entering it back in.
I can't bring over all the data because of the sheer size of it, and I can't just copy over the changed records because of FK constraints and the order in which I insert/update records. I figured that if I could "play-back" a log of what happened, using the exact SQL that changed the master, I could keep the databases in sync.
My current plan of attack was to keep a log of all records that were changed, inserted, and deleted and when I want to sync, the system generates DML to insert/update/delete those records. Then I just take the .SQL file to the classified system and run the script. The problem I'm running into are FKs. (Because when I generate the DML I only know what the current state of the data is, not it's path to get there - so ordering of statements is an issue). I guess I could disable all FK's, do the merge, then re-enable all FK's...
So - does my approach of storing the actual DML as-it-happens suck pondwater, or is there a better solution???
That function only works for 'event' triggers as discussed here. You should look into Fine-Grained Auditing as a mechanism for this. Details here