Due to pressure from outside our group, we have to port over one hundred Perl scripts from Sparc to x86. This means changing dozens of shebang lines from #!/home/Perl/bin/perl -w
to something else, which is a real pain. What is good way to do this (I can't find anything on Lycos)?
Also what happens when we're forced to move from x86 to something else (like Cray, I suppose)? Is there some way to "future-proof"?
Changing the shebang lines en masse ain't so bad:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
sub usage { "Usage: $0 dir ..\n" }
my @todo;
sub has_perl_shebang {
return unless -f;
open my $fh, "<", $_ or warn "$0: open $File::Find::name: $!", return;
push @todo => $File::Find::name
if (scalar(<$fh>) || "") =~ /\A#!.*\bperl/i;
die usage unless @ARGV;
find \&has_perl_shebang => @ARGV;
local($^I,@ARGV) = ("",@todo);
while (<>) {
s[ ^ (\#!.*) $ ][#! /usr/bin/env perl]x
if $. == 1;
continue {
close ARGV if eof;
Depending on what you have, the s///
may need to be a little smarter to handle switches such as -T
that must be on the shebang line.
Add a dry-run option with a few changes, plus an interesting use of redo
my $dryrun;
die usage unless @ARGV;
$dryrun = shift @ARGV, redo if $ARGV[0] eq "-n";
find \&has_perl_shebang => @ARGV;
if ($dryrun) {
warn "$0: $_\n" for @todo;
exit 1;