All what I am describing here takes place in ImageJ 32-bit version(Java 1.6.0_20).The Plugin I am using to get the capture stream from the camera is Civil Capture.
I made it work that i get image slices in a stack from a live video capture stream, with a camera. Afterwords I process them, lets just say i feed the values of one horizontal line of pixels of one image in an array and than plot this line with the methods from Plot and Plot Window.
So now my Problem: When I run my plugin it first captures the picture than it gets processed. Now a Window is beeing opend for the Image stack and one for the Plot. For the next incoming image it will also be processed and the Plot is beeing updated. But only at the end, when as many images, as I want to, were processed, the Plot and the images will actually be displayed. While the processing is happening, both Windows are white and dont show anything. Is it possible to make ImageJ display the plot and the images after the processing part? and how?
I have found the Dynamik Profiler but I didnt get it to work the way I wanted it to. Especally since you have to input a image and not an array.
This is my first question so dont be too hard on me if i missed to give you information.
Solution: So the problem was that the entier program took place in one thread. So to fix it, the ploting had to be done in a seperat thread.