I want to run bpmn in localhost. After browsing whole day, I tried this steps
After this don't know want to do.
also tried
and getting error in console => "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined"
To solve this I have include require.js file to index.html ( inside "localhost/bpmn-js-examples-master/properties-panel/app" )
but now getting new console error => "Uncaught Error: Module name "fs" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])"
Please, anyone help me with this.
I got answer after getting idea from ShanShan's answer.
Steps to run BPMN.IO in localhost is
Then run => browserify index.js -o bundle.js or browserify -t brfs index.js > bundle.js according to requirement. see Stackoverflow answer of Substack
5.1 if got error like "brfs module missing" then execute => npm install brfs
5.2 if got error like "xxxx module missing" then execute => npm install xxxx ( till all module installed)