I want to join 2 tables using linq and avoid anonymous object.
So far i use tuple.
var products = from tm in db.TargetMarkets
join tp in db.Products on tm.product_id equals tp.id
where tm.country == 2
select Tuple.Create<TargetMarket, Product>(tm, tp);
But, when i foreach
foreach (var p in products)
var a = p.Item1.id;
It throws an exception
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Tuple`2
Is there a way to keep my code strong type
You can define a new type and make object of that type instead of anonymous object.
class ProductTargetMarket
var ProductsTargetMarkets = from tm in db.TargetMarkets
join tp in db.Products on tm.product_id equals tp.id
where tm.country == 2
select new ProductTargetMarket{Attribute1OfProductTargetMarket = tp.Attribute1, Attribute1OfProductTargetMarket = tm.Attribute1 };
To create a tuple you may first convert it to anonymous type and then convert it to tuple, see this this and this post.