Is there a way to have case in-sensitive token in Ocamllex specification? I already tried to make case in-sensitive token in this way:
let token = parser
| ['C''c']['A''a']['S''s']['E''e'] { CASE }
but I'm searching for something else, if exists.
Use an ordinary token lexer that accepts both lower- and upper-case, and look up keywords in a table, ignoring case:
type token = Case | Test | Ident of string
let keyword_tbl = Hashtbl.create 64
let _ = List.iter (fun (name, keyword) ->
Hashtbl.add keyword_tbl name keyword) [
"case", Case;
"test", Test;
let ident_char = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_']
rule next_token = parse
| ident_char+ as s {
let canon = String.lowercase s in
try Hashtbl.find keyword_tbl canon
with Not_found ->
(* `Ident canon` if you want case-insensitive vars as well
* as keywords *)
Ident s