For the last few days I have been researching this without finding an answer. I have a list of transactions from which I filter a subset. For the subset I store the date and the amount in an array, to use in a XIRR calculatation.
The input column is tested with 'IsDate' and is found to be True. Furthermore, I use 'ReDim Preserve (0 to n) As Date' when storing the Dates. However, when testing the result, the array does not contain Dates but Doubles.
Please refer to the code below.
Function FundXIRRTotal(ByVal FundISIN As String, ByVal KiesDatum As Date) As Double
Dim wshT As Object
Dim wshS As Object
Dim wshP As Object
Dim wsh As Object
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim NumberOfTrans As Long
Dim Guess As Double
Dim arrValues() As Double
Dim arrDates() As Date
Dim oFA As Object
Set wshT = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Transacties")
Set wshP = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Portefeuille")
Set wshS = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Instellingen")
'Find Last Used Row
wsh = wshT.createCursor
wsh.gotoEndOfUsedArea( False )
LastRow = wsh.getRangeAddress().EndRow
NumberOfTrans = 0
'Create Transaction Array
For i = 1 To LastRow
If wshT.getCellByPosition(3, i).String = FundISIN And CDate(wshT.getCellByPosition(0, i).Value) <= KiesDatum Then
ReDim Preserve arrValues(0 To NumberOfTrans) As Double
ReDim Preserve arrDates(0 To NumberOfTrans) As Date
arrDates(NumberOfTrans) = CDate(wshT.getCellByPosition(0, i).Value)
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundBuy").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = -CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundSell").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundDeposit").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundDivCash").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundDivShares").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundSplit").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = -CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundFee").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = -CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
If wshT.getCellByPosition(1, i).String = wshS.getCellRangeByName("FundWarUit").String Then
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = -CDbl(wshT.getCellByPosition(9, i).Value / wshT.getCellByPosition(10, i).Value)
End If
NumberOfTrans = NumberOfTrans + 1
End If
Next i
'Add current value to Array
'NumberOfTrans = NumberOfTrans + 1
ReDim Preserve arrValues(0 To NumberOfTrans) As Double
ReDim Preserve arrDates(0 To NumberOfTrans) As Date
arrValues(NumberOfTrans) = CDbl(Waarde(FundISIN, KiesDatum))
arrDates(NumberOfTrans) = CDate(KiesDatum)
If Portfolio(FundISIN, KiesDatum) = 0 Then
FundXIRRTotal = 0
Exit Function
End If
'Calculate XIRR
oFA = createUNOService("")
FundXIRRTotal = oFA.callFunction("XIRR", Array(arrValues()), Array(arrDates()))
End Function
I am aware of the issue with the Array function where the data type gets lost. I tried to overcome that by creating a new Array As Date, and copying from arrDates to the new one. But no luck, doubles again...
Any help would be appreciated.
The number is the date. The UNO FunctionAccess
call will not accept the OpenOffice Basic Date
type, and expects a number type instead.
Here is working example code:
Function FundXIRRTotal(ByVal FundISIN As String, ByVal KiesDatum As Date) As Variant
Dim wshT As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim arrValues(0, 2) As Double
Dim unoDates(0, 2) As Double
Dim theDate As Double
Dim oFA As Object
Dim args(2) As Variant
Dim result As Variant
Set wshT = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Transacties")
For i = 0 To 2
arrValues(0, i) = wshT.getCellByPosition(3, i).Value
'The date value will be a number, for example 42020 for 2015-01-16.
theDate = wshT.getCellByPosition(2, i).Value
unoDates(0, i) = theDate
Next i
oFA = createUNOService("")
args = Array(arrValues, unoDates)
result = oFA.callFunction("XIRR", args)
FundXIRRTotal = result
End Function
See also
By the way, I also tried using but that did not seem to work.