I am learning Powershell and use it frequently for adding users to AD Groups. I would like to know if it is possible to search for AD Usernames using the persons common name (i.e. John Doe = JDoe). It is very time consuming and defeats the purpose of using Powershell if I have to use AD Users and Computers to look up their UID every time.
UPDATE: I tried the Get-ADUser -filter { cn -eq 'John Doe' } and Get-ADUser -filter { Name -eq 'John Doe' } command and I did not receive any output from the console, it immediately went to the next line.
I also have RSAT installed, just to clarify. I have looked at the technet article on MS' page Get-ADUser to try and figure it out before I posted the OP.
Just to clarify I am looking to search by the Common Name to find that user's Login Name. i.e. Searching 'John Doe' to find 'jdoe' the User Logon Name.
Yes. You need to install RSAT. See here for instructions for various Windows versions.
Then use Get-ADUser:
Get-ADUser -filter { cn -eq "Common Name" }