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Cannot implement Swift SSLCreateContext

I am new to iOS development, and am trying to implement an SSL connection to a custom port.

I found the code from this answer as the best/easiest implementation of a secure connection over a socket

However, I am getting these errors:

Use of unresolved identifier 'kSSLClientSide' Use of unresolved identifier 'kSSLStreamType' Use of unresolved identifier 'kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnClientAuth'

I have checked and I am running Swift version 2.1.1, using iOS 9.2 SDK and Xcode 7.2. I have even tried adding import Security but that has no effect.

What is the reason that these constants are not being found?

The line being tested is here:


  • Please use the identifiers declared in Swift:

    if let sslContext = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, SSLProtocolSide.ClientSide, SSLConnectionType.StreamType) {
        SSLSetIOFuncs(sslContext, sslReadCallback, sslWriteCallback)
        SSLSetConnection(sslContext, &socketfd)
        SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, SSLSessionOption.BreakOnClientAuth, true)