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Multiple datasets Count with IIF in SSRS

I am trying to write an expression in SSRS which counts only specific data using IIF. I found the following solution: =Sum(IIF(Fields!Program.Value = "FC", Fields!QuantityToShip.Value, 0))

The code above works but only when there is ONE dataset, while I have several. Here is the code I wrote:


I get the aggregation error:

Textbox refers directly to the field ‘Mgroup’ without specifying a dataset aggregate

I added a sum:


Still getting the same error.

Why is that? What can I put instead of Sum? All I need is to count how many groups named 303 I have.


  • The expression you used has some sintax errors. The Count function only aggregate from the scoped Dataset.

    Try this:


    Let me know if this helps you.