I'm aware that distcp is not able to use wildcards. However, I will need to to a scheduled distcp on changing directories. (i.e. copy only data in the "friday" dir on monday etc) but also from all projects under a specified dir.
Is there some sort of design pattern for scripting this kind of thing?
So in short, I want to be able to do:
hadoop distcp /foo/*/bar/$year/$month/$day hdfs://namespace-foo/replication-dir/
I ended up using the following function to get to the directories I need.
function get_list_of_directories_for_input_dir {
local fvar_dirlist=`hadoop fs -ls "$1" | awk '{print $8}'`
local fvar_count=`echo "$fvar_dirlist" | wc -l`
if [ "$fvar_count" -ge "2" ]; then
local fvar_len=$(($fvar_count - 1))
local fvar_dirlist=`echo $fvar_dirlist | tail -n $fvar_len`
echo "$fvar_dirlist"
exit 1;