I'm using this loop to parse XML.
FOR elementdetails in
(SELECT ExtractValue(Value(elementdetails),'/details/Id/text()') AS Id,
Extract(Value(elementdetails),'/details/GrpId') AS Idgrp,
ExtractValue(Value(elementdetails),'/details/SrCd/text()') AS PId
FROM TABLE(XMLSequence(Extract(Block,'/Records/Body/details)))
Format of xml :
After parsing I'm passing the element details values like this: elementdetails.Id
to other procedure.
So, in above example loop will run twice.
My question is: whenever loop runs, it does the select query to parse the whole xml or only the first details tag and then the second?
In FOR loop query executed once.
Then Oracle iterate using cursor.
(it execute loop body for each row of query result).