Given an Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>>
along the lines of
entity => entity.SubEntity.Any(
subEntity => (
(subEntity.SomeProperty == False)
subEntity.SubSubEntity.BarProperty == "Bar"
subSubSubEntity => (x.SubSubSubSubEntity.BazProperty == "whatever")
I am trying to extract a list property conditions by type, i.e.
TEntity : [ /* no conditions for immediate members of TEntity */ ]
TSubEntity : [ { SomeProperty == False } ]
TSubSubEntity : [ { FooProperty.StartsWith(/* ... */) },
{ BarProperty == "Bar" } ],
TSubSubSubEntity : [ /* no conditions for immediate members of TSubSubSubEntity */ ],
TSubSubSubSubEntity : [ { BazProperty == "whatever" } ]
So far, I have created an ExpressionVisitor
and identified the VisitBinary
method as the one I want to plug into in order to obtain my information.
I am still at a loss about
I am looking at represents a terminal statement (in the sense that there are no more nested expressions that I need to look at)BinaryExpression
is concerned withExpressionVisitor
methods to cover for cases that I have not considered yet.Not sure what really is the use case, but here is some starting point
class TestVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
public Dictionary<Type, List<Tuple<MemberExpression, Expression>>> Result = new Dictionary<Type, List<Tuple<MemberExpression, Expression>>>();
Stack<Expression> stack = new Stack<Expression>();
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
return node;
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
if (node.Expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant && (node.Type == typeof(string) || !typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(node.Type)))
var expression = stack.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
if (expression != null && expression.Type == typeof(bool))
List<Tuple<MemberExpression, Expression>> resultList;
if (!Result.TryGetValue(node.Expression.Type, out resultList))
Result.Add(node.Expression.Type, resultList = new List<Tuple<MemberExpression, Expression>>());
resultList.Add(Tuple.Create(node, expression));
return base.VisitMember(node);
The idea is simple. Override Visit
method just to maintain a stack of processing expressions. The main processing is inside the VisitMember
override, which is called for each property/field accessor. The node.Expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant
is used to eliminate the closure members, while the second condition eliminates collection properties. Finally, the potential condition expression is extracted from the stack.
The result is including both MemberExpression
and the Expression
where it is used. MemberExpression.Expression.Type
is your entity type, MemberExpression.Member
is the property/field of that type.
Sample test:
class Entity
public ICollection<SubEntity> SubEntity { get; set; }
class SubEntity
public bool SomeProperty { get; set; }
public SubSubEntity SubSubEntity { get; set; }
class SubSubEntity
public string FooProperty { get; set; }
public string BarProperty { get; set; }
public ICollection<SubSubSubEntity> SubSubSubEntity { get; set; }
class SubSubSubEntity
public SubSubSubSubEntity SubSubSubSubEntity { get; set; }
class SubSubSubSubEntity
public string BazProperty { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string comparisonProperty = "Ivan";
Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> e =
entity => entity.SubEntity.Any(subEntity =>
subEntity.SomeProperty == false
subEntity.SubSubEntity.BarProperty == "Bar"
subEntity.SubSubEntity.SubSubSubEntity.Any(subSubSubEntity => subSubSubEntity.SubSubSubSubEntity.BazProperty == "whatever")
var v = new TestVisitor();
var result = v.Result;