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Querying by Spotify ID in Echo Nest API

I've got songs from spotify play lists and need to get their information in EN. Take “All I Want” by Tania Bowra for example.

EN ID(not given):    SOUJWUH13E89D89DED

Spotify ID:          2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V

Spotify URI:         spotify:track:2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V

Spotify external ID: AUCR10410001 (isrc)

If I query by the Spotify external ID or the Spotify ID in EN, like

$curl -X GET "{my_api_key}&id=AUCR10410001&bucket=audio_summary" | python -m json.tool


$curl -X GET "{my_api_key}&id=2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V&bucket=audio_summary" | python -m json.tool

the EN API returns this message: "id - Invalid parameter: id must be an Echo Nest id or foreign id".

Or if I query by the Spotify URI, like

$curl -X GET "{my_api_key}&id=spotify:track:2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V&bucket=audio_summary" | python -m json.tool

I get this response:

    "response": {
        "songs": [],
        "status": {
            "code": 0,
            "message": "Success",
            "version": "4.2"

which contains no information.

But as Spotify's website says, it should work.


  • It works with "song" modified to "track":

    $curl -X GET "{my_api_key}&format=json&id=spotify:track:2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V&bucket=audio_summary"