I have migrated my Flask API from Restless to Restful. Flask search query not using filters
Is there a way to perform search queries from client similar to Flask Restless? http://flask-restless.readthedocs.org/en/latest/searchformat.html
They use this format in the curl request:
{"name": <fieldname>, "op": <operatorname>, "val": <argument>}
Flask-Restful doesn't magic away your API, since it doesn't have any built-in connection to your database. You'll have to write the logic yourself. Here's one possible way to do it.
class UserSearch(Resource):
def get(self, search_term):
results = User.query.filter(User.name.like('%'+search_term+'%')).all()
# serialize and return items...
api.add_resource(UserSearch, '/users/search/<search_term>')