I have created a contact page using Google Forms. And I want to add a placeholder in this forms.
Before asking, I searched a lot on Google but I get no success. The only way I am able to do is by accessing Developer Tools in Chrome Browser by assigning placeholder="some_name"
but that is of no use as it is for temporary basis.
How do I achieve this?
You can't add a placeholder to a field in a Google Form.
There is no way to dynamically change the HTML, CSS and JavaScript in a Google Form. The Google Form is served directly from Google's servers. There is no way to add and save HTML, CSS and JavaScript to the Form file. If you try to open a Form file from Drive, there is only one option to open it with Google Forms. You can't open a Google Form with a code editor, and you can't download it. There is no way to run JavaScript code when the Form is first loaded.