I had an issue where I ran out of storage on my MacBook, and upon returning to my Android project after deleting some files (unrelated to Android), I am now getting errors with libraries.
This is the error I receive:
E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xab8161a0 01-28
E/libEGL: call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
E/ImageLoader: null
Here's the relevant code:
public void onBindViewHolder(final AttractionRowViewHolder attractionRowViewHolder, int position) {
ImageLoader imageLoader;
imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
Bitmap imageTest = imageLoader.loadImageSync(currentAttraction.attractionImageSmall, options);
Bitmap image = ImageHelper.scaleCenterCrop(imageTest, 156, 156); //Twice size of image view to retain resolution
image = ImageHelper.getRoundCornerBitmap(image, 14); //Twice actual scaled down corner radius
It's crashing on this line:
Bitmap imageTest = imageLoader.loadImageSync(currentAttraction.attractionImageSmall, options);
I have tried doing a gradle sync, a rebuild, renaming .jar file etc. but nothing has worked so far.
Anyone have any ideas? I assume something was deleted automatically when I ran out of capacity.
It turns out that it's the line below that crashes. imageTest
is null, and scaleCenterCrop
cannot take a null. I still don't know why it is null all of a sudden though?
I'd guess that the bitmap's not loaded yet since you don't put it in an AsyncTask.
Why don't you do this instead?
imageLoader.loadImage(currentAttraction.attractionImageSmall, new SimpleImageLoadingListener() {
public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) {
Bitmap image = ImageHelper.scaleCenterCrop(loadedImage, 156, 156);
image = ImageHelper.getRoundCornerBitmap(image, 14);