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Ember: Add conditions in form-element to display field contents

How to add conditions in Ember template. What I want to achieve is like this condition.

if(modalForAdd == true) // if modalForAdd is true then set the model or the property of each input textfield to blank
  {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Quantity" property=""}}
  {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Quantity" property="model.quantity"}}

Here is my code for template

    {{#bs-modal open=openModalForDetails title="Add new Order" body=false footer=false}}
       {{#bs-form model=this action=(action "SaveNewOrder" model "this")}}
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Item SKU" property="model.item" id="item"}} 
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Quantity" property="model.quantity" id="quantity"}} 
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Description" property="model.description" id="description"}} 
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Discount" property="" id="discount"}} 
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Coupon" property="" id="coupon"}} 
          {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Price" property="model.price" id="price"}} 
    {{bs-modal-footer closeTitle="Cancel" submitTitle="Add"}}


  • The if helper has an inline version that can be used as subexpression.

    You can just do:

    {{bs-form-element controlType="text" label="Quantity" property=(if modalForAdd "" "model.quantity")}}