I'd like to 'infinite' rotate on of my Commands (the refresh Command) in the Codename One Toolbar (until loading is done, then I want to stop rotation, but the image still has to be visible). Can I change the icon so it will start rotation? How can I achieve this result?
The rotating icon should not be clickable when rotating, but that should not be that hard to implement.
You can use Toolbar API and a little bit of hack. I created the methods below to do that:
private void showTitleProgress(Toolbar t) {
int pos = t.getComponentCount() - 1; //If you have a command on the left like back command
//int pos = t.getComponentCount(); //If you don't have a command on the left like back command
InfiniteProgress ip = new InfiniteProgress();
Container contIp = FlowLayout.encloseCenterMiddle(ip);
Component.setSameWidth(t.getComponentAt(pos), contIp);
Component.setSameHeight(t.getComponentAt(pos), contIp);
t.replaceAndWait(t.getComponentAt(pos), contIp, null);
private void hideTitleProgress(Toolbar t, Command cmd) {
int pos = t.getComponentCount() - 1; //If you have a command on the left like back command
//int pos = t.getComponentCount(); //If you don't have a command on the left like back command
Button cmdButton = new Button(cmd.getIcon());
t.replaceAndWait(t.getComponentAt(pos), cmdButton, null);
Use it with Toolbar API and your form like this:
private Command myCommand = new Command("");
Form f = new Form("Test form");
Toolbar t = new Toolbar();
Command back = new Command("Back") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
//Do stuff
back.putClientProperty("uiid", "BackCommand");
myCommand = new Command(YourProgressImage) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
//To show the progress when some actions are being performed
//When you're done, discard the progress and restore your command
hideTitleProgress(t, myCommand);
myCommand.putClientProperty("TitleCommand", true);